Area Rug Cleaning

Area rugs are a popular ornament for one’s home. Like carpets, these rugs receive hundreds of steps in their lifetime. Food and drinks may also spill on the rugs. Animals, if there are any in a residence, may mark the rugs as territory. As a result of these things, area rugs become very dirty. The dirt contributes to the area rug’s appearance, giving it a worn out look. What’s worse is that the rug’s uncleanliness make it a breeding ground for microbes – bacteria, allergens, viruses. Even worse is that mold and fungi will start to colonize the rug when the rug is left in its unclean state. Lastly, insects like lice, maggots, and roaches may use the area rugs as a breeding ground. These reasons, in its own or together, provide sufficient reasons for the rugs to be professionally cleaned.

With Digi Carpet Cleaning’s area rug cleaning service, area rugs can be be clean again. No dirt, no microbes, no insects, no spots, no stains, no odor. If you’re worried that our cleaning methodology, tools, or cleaning solutions will damage the carpet, don’t be. How we clean, and what we use to clean are the best and safest that can be found in our industry. If you’re looking for an area rug cleaner, look no further. We at Digi Carpet Cleaning can take care of your area rug cleaning needs.

Cleaning Methodology

  1. Our cleaning technicians will inspect the area rug and make an assessment. Then they will explain and talk you through with what needs to be done.
  2. The technicians will clear and arrange the furniture out of the area so that the furniture will not be damaged.
  3. The technicians will treat prominent spots and stains.
  4. The carpets will then be deep cleaned. Our area rug cleaning machines will a pump hot water cleaning solution mixture on high pressure to remove dirt and microbes. 
  5. The technicians will use high-powered vacuums to remove the water from the rug’s fibers.
  6. The technicians will conduct a final inspection to make sure that the cleaning was done correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on the material of the rugs. It usually takes 2-3 hours for them to dry.

We usually work with oriental rugs, but we can also clean rugs of different origin or material.

You can wash them, but this does not rid the rugs of their microbes and dirt especially those deeply ingrained in the carpet’s fabrics. For a better cleaning, professional services are recommended.

The cleaning technicians apply cleaning solutions, then they use machines to pump hot water and cleaning solutions on the furniture. The hot water and cleaning solution are then extracted by a vacuum. This is similar to the method we use to clean carpets.

DiGi Carpet Cleaning