Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery, over time, collects collects dirt and microbes. When this happens they become dirty and look worn. If there are children or pets in the house, this process gets faster. Children may spill their food and drinks on them; pets may mark them with their urine. In addition, every day use takes it toll too. if nothing is done, the upholstery will begin to be colonized by bacteria, viruses, even parasites. They begin to smell and they begin to look dirtier. The couch, the sofa, the mattresses – all of them are at risk of long term damage. That is why it is always recommended to have them regularly cleaned. In addition, having them cleaned will extend their usability and improve their appearance.

Since 2008, Digi Carpet Cleaning has been offering its upholstery cleaning service. We use state-of-the-art equipment and the best industry grade cleaning solutions. The cleaning service removes all dirt, stains, and microbes. We can clean upholstery of different materials – from microfiber to leather. Digi Carpet Cleaning is not only thorough and effective, it is also safe. No one in your house and none of your furniture are damaged in the cleaning process. Our cleaning process makes your upholstery clean and fresh, With Digi Carpet Cleaning’s upholstery cleaning service, furniture can be good as new.

Does your upholstery need cleaning? Go with Digi Carpet Cleaning!


Cleaning Methodology

  1. Our cleaning technicians will inspect the upholstery and make an assessment. They will look at the carpet’s characteristics – material, age, and condition to determine what needs to be done. Then they will explain and talk you through with what needs to be done.
  2. The technicians will begin by looking for and treating minor spots and stains.
  3. If the upholstery material is leather, the cleaning technicians will treat it with a cleaning solution made for leather. Otherwise, the technicians will apply a fiber cleaning solution to bring the dirt and microbes to the surface.
  4. The carpets will then be deep cleaned. The machines will a pump hot water and cleaning solution mixture on high pressure.
  5. The technicians will use high-powered vacuums to remove the water and solution from the carpet’s fibers. This will allow the carpet to dry in 2-3 hours.
  6. The technicians will conduct a final inspection to make sure that the cleaning was done correctly.
  7. The technicians, upon request, can apply fabric protector and/or a deodorizer.

Frequently Asked Questions

It depends on the material of the furniture. It usually takes 2 – 6 hours for them to dry.

It depends on your furniture. It would be best to contact the furniture’s manufacturer. We, however, would recommend contacting and availing of services from professionals.

The cleaning technicians apply cleaning solutions, then they use machines to pump hot water and cleaning solutions on the furniture. he hot water and cleaning solution are then extracted by a vacuum. If the furniture is leather, the technicians will apply a cleaning solution specifically used for leather.

DiGi Carpet Cleaning