Tile and Grout Cleaning

Tiles are the plates which cover an area or the whole of a a floor. Grout on the other hand, is the cement the holds the tiles together. Over time, the tiles and grout accumulate dirt because of the many persons who have stepped on them. The tiles become worn, often having spots and stains. The grout on the other hand takes on a darker color, with the grout becoming eventually becoming black as result of collecting grime. Aside from looking worn, the tiles and grout can become a serious health hazard. At first, the tiles and grout are relatively clean. However, over time, they begin to collect dirt. The dirt in turn is full of microbes – bacteria, allergens, viruses. These microbes reproduce over time. Grime, molds, and fungi also begin to form on the grout, giving the outlines of the tiles positioned on a floor, a black color. The tiles and grout then potentially become serious health hazards. They become hazards to your pets, your kids, and even you. Mopping the tiles is often never sufficient. For a thorough cleaning, professional services are needed.

With Digi Carpet’s Tile and Grout cleaning service, dirty tiles and grout can become clean, nice-looking and most importantly safe. We use the most state-of-the-art tools and machines, top-shelf cleaning solutions, and a foolproof cleaning methodology to ensure that your tiles’ and grouts’ cleanliness are guaranteed.

Cleaning Methodology

  1. Our cleaning technicians will inspect the areas and make an assessment. Then they will explain and talk you through with what needs to be done.
  2. The technicians will treat the grout with a strong base solution and then scrub the tiles. This forces dirt to detach from the grout.
  3. The tiles will then be deep cleaned. Our machines will a pump hot water cleaning solution mixture on high pressure to remove dirt and microbes from the tiles and grout. Our tile cleaning machine will extract the dirt.
  4. The technicians will conduct a final inspection to make sure that the cleaning was done correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

It takes about 30 minutes to an hour to clean an area. The larger the area, the longer it takes to clean the tile and grout. If a sealant is added, it will take a few hours to dry.

It is recommended to use a natural grout cleaner. These can be ordered from the manufacturer of the cleaner themselves.

It is recommended to use a natural grout cleaner. These can be ordered from the manufacturer of the cleaner themselves.

Our cleaning technicians apply a cleaning solution, then apply highly pressurized hot water on the tiles. Our tile cleaning machines then extract the grime and dirt.

DiGi Carpet Cleaning